The Qin Dynasty: A Tale of Extreme Hardships for Commoners and Lavish Lives for Nobles
The Qin Dynasty: A Tale of Extreme Hardships for Commoners and Lavish Lives for Nobles The Qin Dynasty (221–206 BCE), known for unifying the warring states and laying the foundation of imperial China, achieved its monumental feats at the expense of countless commoners' blood, sweat, and lives. On the other hand, the aristocracy enjoyed lives of unparalleled luxury. The stark contrast between these two classes paints a complex and profound picture of this era. From the Commoners' Perspective: Qin Dynasty Corvée vs. Modern “996” Work Culture If you were to time-travel to the Qin Dynasty as an average commoner, you might find yourself longing for the relative ease of modern “996” (working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week). Life under Qin’s legalist system (a philosophy emphasizing strict laws to maintain order) was brutally oppressive for the common people, who were treated as expendable cogs in the state's machinery. 1. A Lifetime of Forced Labor: Shackles of Fate After unif...